Trudeau Utensil Pot Clip
To keep your stovetop and counters clean and your cooking utensils right where you need them, simply attach this handy stainless steel clip to the rim of a pot or bowl. The heat-resistant silicone clamps attach firmly to a hot pan, while ridged silicone loops hold the handle of a spoon or spatula. A slot keeps even the thinnest tools firmly in place, ensuring your countertops and floors remain free of splatters.
Stainless steel and silicone
Heat-resistant to 428°F
To keep your stovetop and counters clean and your cooking utensils right where you need them, simply attach this handy stainless steel clip to the rim of a pot or bowl. The heat-resistant silicone clamps attach firmly to a hot pan, while ridged silicone loops hold the handle of a spoon or spatula. A slot keeps even the thinnest tools firmly in place, ensuring your countertops and floors remain free of splatters.
Stainless steel and silicone
Heat-resistant to 428°F
To keep your stovetop and counters clean and your cooking utensils right where you need them, simply attach this handy stainless steel clip to the rim of a pot or bowl. The heat-resistant silicone clamps attach firmly to a hot pan, while ridged silicone loops hold the handle of a spoon or spatula. A slot keeps even the thinnest tools firmly in place, ensuring your countertops and floors remain free of splatters.
Stainless steel and silicone
Heat-resistant to 428°F